A hike to Capanna Tencia, the first hut opened in Ticino
From Dalpe to Campo Tencio along a path that leads through energizing forests and stunning views.
Year 1984: Triathlon arrives in Ticino thanks to… Marco Sasselli
Perhaps many may not know, but the very first edition of the Locarno triathlon dates backto the distant year of 1984.It was born from a proposal by Marco Sasselli (a person full of initiatives and of greatstature, who recently passed away), then the director of the City’s Sports Department, andit was among the very first […]
“Swiss Alpine passes by bicycle”, Fontana Edizioni
SWISS ALPINE PASSES BY BICYCLE “Cycling on the passes in Switzerland is more than just a sports activity. You can immerse yourself in majestic landscapes rich in history, in unpolluted mountains and valleys, put oneself to test, discover that craving for the essentials which everyday life tends to choke…”. The book contains a description of […]